The Truth About “Magical Thinking” in the Jewelry Industry | Stop the Fantasy!

What’s up guys, it’s an early rise today, which I’m delighted by because my competitors need their beauty rest. So, let’s get right after it. Let’s talk about brand. What do you think would have happened if Phil Knight had just called it Phil Sporting Goods instead of Nike? I don’t think any of us would have really cared a whole lot about Phil’s Sporting Goods.

So, this is something I notice a lot in the jewelry space where people have created what they think is a namesake brand, like Cartier, but really it’s like Dave’s Jewelry or something like that. If that’s the case, you’re really going to need to make an adjustment for where things are headed, where e-commerce is going to take over, and the next generation of buyers—Millennials and Gen Z—want to buy from a brand that has created a world. You’re going to have a moment of reckoning where you have to humble yourself and say, “Hey, do I really have a brand? Have I built a brand at all or have I built Dave’s Jewelry?”

Dave’s Jewelry is not a brand. What you need to do is take a step back and reassess what’s possible for you and what’s possible with the tools and technology of our time to create a world, to create a story, to create leverage in how your products are designed and how you present the brand. All of that is going to be critical.

This is what we know to be true at Jeweler’s Advantage. We can see the wood from the trees, and if you don’t want to be one of the people that goes from the top of the food chain in some of these big groups to out of business in the next two years when the diamond market collapses—and it will—you’re going to want to get very clear on what your brand is. Here’s a couple of ways you can do that.

Using AI, you can develop what we call a brand prism, which is a Fortune 500-level framework that allows you to manage everything from the creative concept of the brand to what the products will be, to what the relationship with the customer is going to be, to what your company culture is, and how people perceive themselves when they interact with your brand. Complex stuff that would have been really, really expensive without AI.

But if you do that, and you get organized on your supplier items for your collection that you want to build, and you get really clear and organized on how you’re going to create content at scale and schedule that content, and then if you’re able to put that all into a system that makes it very easy and step-by-step to build an e-commerce store that is on-brand with unique products from your own collection—hopefully under a brand name that isn’t Dave’s Jewelry, but under the brand that you felt was going to be impossible to make until now.

If you can tie all of those things together, you’re going to be extremely well-positioned for what the future is. And you just might even be able to be somebody that has no experience in the jewelry industry and come in and do this while everyone is scratching their heads, looking at RapNet, and saying, “Well, when are natural diamonds going to come back?” They’re going to come back, right? They’re not coming back.

So, you need to be prepared. Jewelry isn’t going away. It’s just this man-made perception of this commodity of natural diamonds somehow being worth something because De Beers came up with an excellent marketing strategy and convinced everybody that a diamond is forever. That was for the customers; it wasn’t for us. They created an opportunity—De Beers created an opportunity for everyone to make money for a good few decades, and thank God for that.

But there was a lot of negativity created by this as well. People in Africa do not need to be digging in the dirt for diamonds. If the powers that be really cared about the people of Africa, they would be setting up servers and teaching them to use AI, but they don’t. So, the last-ditch effort here is to say, “We got to save the mining industry for these poor countries.” I don’t see anybody that looks like me digging in the dirt. If it’s so important…

Yeah, guess I got the venom in me from the early rise. But tell me one thing I’ve said that’s not true. Anyway, head to We want to help. We’ve got a ton of free stuff there that’s really going to help you in the new phase of the industry.

And that’s it for this time. My name is Jesse Corby, and I’ll see you in the next one.

I’m ACTUALLY SHOCKED and STUNNED by Open AI Strawberry

What’s up guys, this is Jesse, and I wanted to do this video because I feel like I’ve seen a ghost. We’ve been testing Strawberry at my company, Jewelers Advantage, and I’ll keep this video kind of loose because I don’t know what to say. But I’ll start with saying that I feel as though I understand why Ilia at OpenAI was concerned about this model. I’m not a doom and gloom guy; I’m excited about what’s happening with AI and what’s happening with this model, Strawberry. But I feel like I’ve seen a ghost, and I understand the kind of alleged perspective of Ilia that you hear anecdotally—not because of the outputs themselves, but because of the cause and effect of what I’m seeing on the screen. I’m seeing Fortune 500-level CEO reasoning come out of this, and if that’s possible, then of course I’m excited about what that’s going to mean for the industry that I work in with e-commerce, fine jewelry, gold, and diamonds, and so on. But this is going to have such a massive impact on every industry. I think it’s the cause and effect of that which was a cause for so much concern. Again, I’m trying to keep it loose, and I want to say I’m excited; I’m hopeful. I’m not a doom and gloom guy—I’m very, very positive about the future. But there are moments in your life and in your career where there’s a clear turning of the page, and things are never going to be the same again. I feel that momentous, kind of paradigm shift, seismic shift kind of moment and feeling.
This isn’t an ad for my company. My company, Jewelers Advantage, does build on large language models and other AI technology. That’s all cool, and of course, I’m excited about that for obvious reasons, but I’m just so surprised at the depth of what I just saw—the level of reasoning and sophistication. What is really capturing my imagination is how much this is going to affect so-called white-collar work at this juncture, at this moment. I’m certain—certain—that there is nobody that won’t be disrupted by AI, right on up to the most sophisticated knowledge work that you could have, because these are only going to get better and more autonomous. So I don’t know how much else to say beyond that. I think the world is obviously going to change. I think that anyone who is reporting back that they aren’t impressed with the Strawberry model might need to go back to the drawing board and relearn how to use this technology, because if you have the eyes to see and you’re thinking in terms of the cause and effect of what this can mean and do, this is going to change absolutely every industry. That’s all I’ve got on it for right now. I can’t describe how I feel after what I’ve seen and thinking about the cause and effect of what Strawberry is going to mean for the world.

AI For Jewelers 8: AI Voice with Eleven Labs

Welcome back to AI for Jewelers presented by Jeweler’s Advantage! Jewelers have questions about AI, and we are here to answer them. Today, we’re exploring how you can leverage the power of language to signal status or reflect the values of your target customer. This is incredibly powerful in the jewelry industry and often overlooked. My name is Jesse Korby, and I’ll be your host.
Key Topics:
• Understanding the role of language and tone in signaling status.
• Utilizing AI tools like 11 Labs for text-to-voice conversion.
• Creating on-brand product descriptions that resonate with your audience.
• Learn how language and tone can be used as status symbols in your brand communication.
• Discover the versatility of AI tools in crafting the perfect brand voice and product descriptions.
• See real examples of how to tailor your messaging to different market segments within the jewelry industry.
Don’t miss out! Get the Free AI Plugin we used in this video. Requires a ChatGPT Plus account to get Image Generation capability.

AI For Jewelers 7: AI Music with Suno

Welcome back to AI for Jewelers presented by Jeweler’s Advantage! Jewelers have questions about AI, and we’re here to answer them. Today, we’re discussing how you can create an on-brand musical score for your advertising and content that matches the visuals of your jewelry brand. Very cool stuff! My name is Jesse Korby, and I’ll be your host.

Key Topics:
• Using Jeweler’s Advantage AI for brand consultation and strategy.
• Generating visuals and videos with tools like Runway ML.
• Creating on-brand music using SUNO AI.

• Start with the brand conversation starter in Jeweler’s Advantage AI to develop your brand identity.
• Generate dynamic and emotional visuals that tell your brand’s story effectively.
• Experiment with creating animated characters and scenes using Runway ML.
• Use SUNO AI to generate high-quality music that aligns with your brand’s visuals and storytelling.

Don’t miss out! Get the Free AI Plugin we used in this video. Requires a ChatGPT Plus account to get Image Generation capability.

AI For Jewelers 6: AI Video with Runway Gen 3 Alpha

Welcome back to AI for Jewelers presented by Jeweler’s Advantage! Jewelers have questions about AI, and we’re here to answer them. Today, we’re exploring how you can use AI video in your jewelry brand. My name is Jesse Korby, and I’ll be your host.

Key Topics:
• Using Runway ML’s Gen-3 Alpha for AI video creation.
• Combining Jeweler’s Advantage AI with Runway ML for on-brand video content.
• Importance of staying on brand and storytelling through AI video.

• Start with a brand consultation using Jeweler’s Advantage AI to develop your brand identity.
• Learn how to use prompts for creating AI videos that align with your brand’s story and aesthetics.
• Generate luxurious jewelry ads using Runway ML, ensuring they trigger the right emotions in your customers.
• Experiment with different styles and colors to see what resonates best with your brand identity.

Don’t miss out! Get the Free AI Plugin we used in this video. Requires a ChatGPT Plus account to get Image Generation capability.

AI For Jewelers 5: In Painting with Leonardo ai

Welcome back to AI for Jewelers presented by Jewelers Advantage! Jewelers have questions about AI, and we are here to answer them. Today, we’re going to talk about an important skill for custom jewelers in the age of AI: how to edit an AI image for jewelry. My name is Jesse Korby, and I’ll be your host.

Key Topics:

• Using AI to create and edit jewelry images.
• Making multiple alterations to the same image for custom clients.
• Using tools like Jewelers Advantage AI and Leonardo AI for seamless editing.


• Start with a product conversation in Jewelers Advantage AI to generate design ideas and modifications.
• Use Leonardo AI’s real-time canvas for detailed image editing.
• Learn how to guide AI with specific in-painting prompts for precise changes.
• See the step-by-step process of changing gemstone colors and design elements.
• Use Jewelers Advantage AI to guide production steps and communication with CAD

Don’t miss out! Get the Free AI Plugin we used in this video. Requires a ChatGPT Plus account to get Image Generation capability.

AI For Jewelers 4: AI Logo

Welcome back to AI for Jewelers presented by Jeweler’s Advantage! Jewelers have questions about AI, and we’re here to answer them. Today, we’re diving into how you can use AI to create a stunning logo for your new jewelry brand and develop your brand to the level of a much more mature brand. My name is Jesse Korby, and I’ll be your host.

Key Topics:
• Using Jeweler’s Advantage AI built into ChatGPT Plus for brand development.
• Creating a luxury logo with AI to excite and attract customers.
• Developing a complete brand identity using industry-specific AI tools.

• Start with the brand conversation starter in Jeweler’s Advantage to develop your brand identity quickly.
• Learn about the brand prism and how it helps in presenting your brand effectively.
• Generate a luxury logo using AI with specific prompts for high-end market segments.
• Overcome challenges in AI design to get a polished, professional logo.
• Utilize free tools like Photopea and Canva for logo refinement and final touches.

Don’t miss out! Get the Free AI Plugin we used in this video. Requires a ChatGPT Plus account to get Image Generation capability.

A.I. for Jewelers 3: Fun with

What’s up guys! This is AI for Jewelers presented by Jeweler’s Advantage. Jewelers have questions about AI, and we’re here to answer them. My name is Jesse Korby, and I will be your host In this video, we’re going to talk about how you can connect AI tools together to gain even more awesome power out of the tools.

Key Topics:
• Using Jeweler’s Advantage AI built into ChatGPT Plus for image generation.
• Creating stunning jewelry designs with AI.
• Connecting multiple AI tools for enhanced design and production.
• Practical steps to bring AI-generated designs into reality.

• Introduction to Leonardo DaVinci’s influence and how it parallels with using • AI for creative power in the jewelry industry.
• Step-by-step guide to developing a high-end yellow gold engagement ring with 3D roses using AI prompts.
• How to generate detailed AI image prompts and use them with Leonardo AI for diverse design options.
Bridging the gap between AI-generated designs and actual production steps.

Don’t miss out! Get the Free AI Plugin we used in this video. Requires a ChatGPT Plus account to get Image Generation capability.

AI For Jewelers 2 Scaling Social Content

What’s up guys, Jesse Korby here from Jeweler’s Advantage, and welcome to AI for Jewelers 2! In today’s exciting episode, we’ll show you how to save money and outperform your digital marketing agency using our proprietary AI tool built into ChatGPT. Let’s dive in and see how this tool can help you manage your jewelry business like a pro.

Key Topics:

• Introduction to our proprietary AI tool and ChatGPT.
• Generating a 30-day content calendar for your jewelry business.
• Optimizing content for SEO to enhance online visibility.
• Crafting tailored content for custom jewelers and engagement rings.
• Leveraging AI for creative design and production management.

Don’t miss out! Get the Free AI Plugin we used in this video at Requires a ChatGPT Plus account to get Image Generation capability.

AI for Jewelers

AI for Jewelers 1: Spot Trends, Design & Production Steps, Find Suppliers

Hey everyone, Jesse here from Jeweler’s Advantage, and welcome to our segment, AI for Jewelers! In this episode, we’re diving into how AI can transform your jewelry business, from product design to marketing, sales, and operations. Whether you’re new to AI or looking to enhance your skills, we’ve got you covered. Let’s get started!

Key Topics:
• Introduction to ChatGPT and prompt engineering.
• How AI can simplify and enhance jewelry design and business operations.
• Practical steps to create and market unique jewelry designs using AI.
• Finding reliable suppliers and managing production effectively.

Don’t miss out! Get the Free AI Plugin we used in this video. Requires a ChatGPT Plus account to get Image Generation capability.