A.I. for Jewelry Design (5)
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Jeweler's Advantage

How to create your DREAM Jewelry Collection with AI

With Jeweler’s Advantage, you can create your DREAM Jewelry Collection in a single day. All while staying On-Brand within the same framework used by the most successful companies in the world: The Brand Prism. Get our AI CoPilot HERE:

what's up guys this is Jesse Korby at jewelers advantage and in this video we are going to talk about how you can create your dream jewelry collection with artificial intelligence so it's starting to catch on the secret is out you can Design jewelry with AI and it's amazing so as everyone starts to figure this out you're going to start seeing really unique use cases maybe a jewelry design studio is going to put out an AI to help you work with them or you're going to see some Jewelers put a design tool on their calendar page to drive traffic to book Customs appointments we'll get to that topic later on there's some reasons why that could potentially be harmful to a brand but we'll get into that later on what people don't realize what you can do yet is you can create your entire dream jewelry collection build a brand around it and build a business around it so people are coming to me and asking hey well that's great that you can create AI jewelry images how are you actually going to produce the piece well baked into the jeweler's advantage of AI we have the ability to not only do jewelry design but also Market the piece and the entire brand develop an entire sales strategy develop all of the operations for a business that can scale and all of the finance models that are going to actually fund all of these activities so Jeweler's Advantage is going to make some somebody a millionaire mark my words on that but today I'm going to show you how you can develop your own dream jewelry collection and have fun with the creative side of things so when you get into the tool it's going to look like this we've made this super super simple so all you would do is come down to product and you would click product and what that is going to do is it's going to Prime the AI to create something like this I've already got a thread started here and I want to show you how I created an entire small collection that would have been the basis for an entire brand or perhaps a section of a product offering for a brand and I did it in under 10 minutes and the products are incredible so all I did was click product what that did was get Jeweler's Advantage talking here it's talking about rings with both a market segment and a style segment so there's real product strategy happening here we're not just talking about what a ring is we're talking about what a ring is as a product in the market for people that buy jewelry your customer so this is as much of a CEO as it is a creative director and you'll get to see what this does so we're talking about Rings earrings bracelets pendants chains and watches anything that a jewelry brand could sell and once that was established I said I would like to make some cultural jewelry with tiger eye beads or using tiger eye as a material in general of course I will have beaded bracelets because that's what you see with tiger eye most of the time but please give me ideas for other products as well maybe I want to come up with more ideas that I can't even conceive of yet and that's why I'm using AI that is what makes AI a miracle technology I want to include yellow gold and white diamond accents on all of my tiger eye pieces so the reason I'm doing that is because I want to elevate the perception of tiger eye which is usually a semi-precious Stone how can we turn this into a high margin product that's not only going to be beautiful and inspiring but also something that's going to make money something that's going to sustain your family so that's exactly what we get into we've got tiger ey pendant necklaces tiger ey earrings tigery Rings tiger ey cuff links and TI pins hair accessories and I think it capped out at at hair accessories these were the ideas provided by lose advantage in under 30 seconds so we get down and I just say great create this product all I did was I copy and paste this section with necklaces and boom winning product one for one so far notice how there's cultural elements we'll get to that in a second we've got yellow gold diamond accents and a beautiful tiger eye piece in appendant here as far as the criticism or at least the Curiosity of how are you actually going to produce this piece CAD operators and specialists in that field are already getting their head around how you could do a 3D scan and produce this our model produces the photography in a way that it's going to be viewed from an angle that a cad designer could create the product more easily so boom one for one that's a product right there guys next up create a product tiger Rite earrings number two all I did was copy and paste if you can copy and paste you can use Jeweler's advantage and create incredible products for jewelry so boom earrings done this was under 15 seconds so far two for two that's a product right there somebody could easily make this the the angle that it's created from the prongs are even accurate maybe you would add a fourth prong are we going to nitpick over the fourth prong once you get it into CAD you can make the adjustments on the specs that you need what we would do in the next phase of 3D had is you make the final tweaks this is already 95% of the way done boom two for two on the way to the collection next one create this product I want a ring give me a ring so now we've got kind of a men's ring it even decided to add the tiger Motif so we've got kind of a cultural element maybe this is something drawing some inspiration from India perhaps as a high-end ring we've got yellow gold we've got diamonds beautiful piece of tiger eye and of of course if you're going to do some brand storytelling with the piece and maybe you're building an entire story around the product concept itself having some tigers with the tiger eye especially if we have a gold tiger with the semi-precious Stone of tiger eye H seems like this should be kind of an expensive ring now right because we've tied this in we've created a story and elevated the perception of the product next one oh looks like we had a little bit of an error no worries this is a guys it's a little bit unpredictable sometimes things happen that maybe you wouldn't want so we went three for three I was really excited that I was going to potentially be able to go through five products and nail them all but it's Ai and luckily it's just you lose 30 seconds of your time there's still some redeeming qualities about this but I decided not to go with this there would be things that you could do this certainly is not a bad design here you might not show a customer this but the old Tiger on some tiger eye that's been fashioned into kind of a square maybe there is something redeeming about the way these cuff links work as well this isn't a complete throwaway from a product development perspective it might not be what you show somebody for a onetoone consultation for Customs but there's things here that are serving as R&D namely this cuff link here there's some potential there to make a product out of that so I didn't really like this though and I wanted to get something better so boom okay that will do so now we have tiger eye cuff links if you're creating earrings for the ladies you can do cuff links for the men here's some beautiful tiger eye cuff links with diamond accents and yellow gold in keeping with the continuity of the collection that we're trying to do so boom that was how many products did we just do 1 2 3 four four products out of five tries in under 10 minutes so let's take a look at what's under the hood of how you can approach this for yourself so something that I had going on in this prompt and this project in the thread is I was aware of the market segment in this case I was talking about cultural jewelry I knew that we were going to do something cultural and it was going to incorporate tiger ey so this is where I'm coming in as far as Market segment goes I was probably above $1,000 for retail perhaps below 7,000 on retail though so I'd be falling in around here you're going to want to screenshot this if you're getting a brand off the ground because this is how you avoid racing to the bottom on price so you want to learn your market segments in this case I was living in here in order to create these products next up I was also very aware of my design philosophy now this is cool because I jumped right into product so we didn't have a brand prism here there was no real brand identity a lot of you design from the space of understanding what specs you want first you know the type of bench techniques you want to employ you know the types of materials that you want to employ but that only accounts for about a third of what makes the design special now what was cool about this was by dialing in the market segment knowing that I I wanted it to be a higher end piece using tiger ey and I know that it's tiger ey yellow gold and diamonds the AI ended up starting to create a concept around that namely with the ring if we were to look at the ring here this is starting to tell a story and look like a real branded product so maybe what you could do is you could create a whole collection around jungle animals and in this case a segment of the collection is Tigers it's tiger eye and tiger maybe there would be elephants maybe there would be peacocks or some other type of colorful animal that you could tell a whole story around that could then feed into the brand prism so you don't necessarily need to know what your brand is right away you just need to get inspired and then start working around this framework for the three elements of the design philosophy and just like the primary colors blue yellow red if you're combining these ideas within this framework you can create an infinite array of hues with what your jewelry brand and your Dream Collection would be once you're there of course then you can start hashing out what your brand prism would be maybe this is a brand all about Adventure and World Travel and the natural world and there's all kinds of stories that you can tell to make the pieces more compelling so my question to you is what is your dream collection in this case in under 10 minutes I came up with a kind of cultural highend line that's using a semi-precious stone with gold and diamonds accent diamonds that is to boost the perception of the product make this look like a high-end product that would no doubt have a ton of margin in it right here most people are going to look at this and see some yellow gold tigery jewelry with accents I personally see about $10,000 worth of margin on the page so let that one sink in a lot of you are also asking when are we going to be able to bring this into the world of CAD that is something that is on our mind we're trying to solve the entire 360 development of a jewelry brand we want to make the next cardier the next bulgary the next Tiffany and one of you are going to do it with this I promise you there's so much under the hood with this tool that it's not just about design I came up with this in 10 minutes and it's it's spectacular design I've sold my fair share of customs I know that these would move and I'm curious to see what you guys are going to come up with are you going to use moonstones or are you going to use amethysts are you going to just use silver pieces are there going to be no gemstones is it going to be focused on more industrial looks things of that nature in the meantime I'm solving some pretty big problems on my end we're going to figure out how to get you guys what you want so that way you can create your Dream Collection with artificial intelligence brought to you by Jewelers Advantage so if you like what you see head to Jewelers advantage.com the tool that I'm using to create this is free if you're a chat GPT plus user you can use Jeweler's Advantage for free you can create your own collection in under 10 minutes or create Customs or develop the entire brand and operations of a business that's going to go on to be wildly successful we invite you to Jewelers advantage.com my name is Jesse Korby creative director here at Jewelers advantage and we will see you in the next video

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