2024.10.04_Labor Strikes - The Tipping Point For Robotics_Who Will Prevail
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Jeweler's Advantage

Labor Strikes: The Tipping Point For Robotics

CHANGE is coming…
Imagine a world where the supply chain is broken. Shipping ports are silent, and goods that used to flow effortlessly into the U.S. are suddenly in short supply. Everything—from the raw materials that power industries to the luxury items that define status—is delayed, lost, or priced beyond reason.
That world is not a far-off dystopia. It’s the new reality we live in, driven home by the latest port strike, one of the many disruptions paralyzing American business. And while the news may paint this as another hiccup in a long history of labor disputes, what’s happening today is different. It’s a wake-up call for every entrepreneur, every decision-maker, and every forward-thinking individual in the jewelry industry and beyond.
The question isn’t “What will you do when your business is disrupted?” The question is, “How will you future-proof your business now?”
The Writing on the Wall
Every product that matters arrives in a shipping container—from the luxury watches and precious metals you rely on, to the gemstones that adorn your best-selling pieces. When labor strikes at these ports, the delays ripple through every corner of commerce. Retailers can’t sell what they don’t have. Manufacturers can’t build what they can’t source.
So where does that leave you?
It leaves you at a crossroads, where the old ways of doing business are no longer reliable. Where labor disputes, supply chain bottlenecks, and economic unpredictability force you to rethink how you protect and grow your business. The entrepreneurs who survive and thrive in this environment will be the ones who embrace innovation, leveraging artificial intelligence and robotic automation to ensure their businesses remain nimble, resilient, and unstoppable.
A Future-Proof Solution
Here’s the good news: AI-driven technology is no longer a futuristic dream—it’s a tool you can implement today. Jeweler’s Advantage offers you the chance to take control of your operations with our AI Copilot, which can automate critical processes in your business. From predictive analytics that help you anticipate market trends, to full Brand and Business Development… our AI Copilot empowers you to stay ahead of disruptions.
Imagine having the ability to forecast which engagement rings will trend next season, or knowing in real-time how to adjust your pricing on gold jewelry to maximize your profits in a fluctuating market. With AI by your side, you can protect your business from the chaos of disrupted supply chains and ensure you’re always one step ahead.
The Timeless Value of Gold, Powered by AI
The world may change, but gold will always remain a stable store of value. For centuries, investors and entrepreneurs alike have relied on gold to safeguard their wealth. In the jewelry industry, the same principle applies: Gold is timeless, a material that holds its value through every economic storm.
But here’s the catch—while gold may be constant, the way we do business around it must evolve. Backing your career with gold in the jewelry industry means embracing the best of both worlds: the timeless stability of precious metals, coupled with the cutting-edge precision of AI-powered business strategies. With robotic automation and AI, you can future-proof your entire operation—from design and manufacturing to customer engagement and supply chain management.
Act Now—The Future is Waiting
No one can predict the future, but you can prepare for it. With our free AI Copilot, you have the chance to test-drive the tools that will transform your business. Whether you’re sourcing gemstones, optimizing your jewelry inventory, or creating your next luxury collection, the future belongs to those who embrace AI.
Let’s get started. Jeweler’s Advantage is here to help you secure your place in the next generation of the jewelry industry. Click here to begin your journey with our free AI Copilot today.
Don’t let uncertainty dictate your future. Take control, innovate, and secure your legacy.
Jeweler’s Advantage Team
Your Partner in Gold and AI

What's up guys? This is Jesse at Jewelers Advantage and I want to talk about the longshoreman strike. Now, if you hadn't heard, there was a short-lived strike where the dock workers that handle shipping crates bringing products into the United States went on strike. Most of what we sell in the US comes in on a big boat with shipping containers. The strike is already over, apparently, and they are going to be negotiating for the next four months. It seems they've got their ground covered for negotiation, in a good old-fashioned labor union strike.
I'm here to explain why I think this is a tipping point for robotics and why it's important for you to pay attention to this if you're in the jewelry industry like us, or any industry that sells products in the United States. I won't get into the nitty gritty of what they were negotiating, but basically, they saw that in China, docks and ports have been automated. People are controlling robots like in a video game. The workers in the US said, "We want to ban automation in the ports."
In an old-fashioned labor strike, the workers have leverage because they can refuse to operate machines, bringing everything to a halt, causing the business to lose money. However, these strikes now act as advertisements for why businesses need robotics and automation. Businesses see the risk of relying on human labor when there is already proof of concept with robotics in the second-largest economy in the world. The business owners will be thinking, "How can we buy some time to solve the operational problem with robotics?"
They've bought four months for negotiations, and during this time, smart engineers will be working to solve the issues. Things move at the speed of light with AI, and in four months, the businesses will likely find a way to solve the problem without needing human workers. This is what they are thinking. That four months isn't just for negotiation; it's also for preparing for the future.
We're seeing a tipping point not only in how labor disputes unfold but also in how businesses defend their assets. They will move with science and the times. You need to be aware that we are witnessing historical moments that will have ripple effects, not only in ports but also across industries, including jewelry, automotive, clothing, food, and beyond.
Ultimately, in the next four months, we'll likely see many operational problems in US ports being solved through automation. This will result in job losses and set the stage for robotics to take over various sectors of the American economy, affecting the entire world. If you're in the jewelry industry, pay attention because robotics is coming for our industry too. That's a topic for another video, but keep an eye on these historical shifts in business—they will eventually impact every industry touched by these ports.
This is Jesse Korby at Jewelers Advantage. If you want to future-proof your life and back your entrepreneurial career with gold, head to jewelersadvantage.com. We have an AI copilot that can help you adapt to the changing world. You can either try to hold onto the old ways or get smart and build your own way. Back your life and career with gold, ensuring you're okay no matter what happens. Visit jewelersadvantage.com for free resources, tons of video content on YouTube, and the best AI tools in the jewelry industry—available for free. Have fun with it. This is Jesse Korby at Jewelers Advantage, and I'll see you in the next one.

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