A.I. for Jewelry Design (1)
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Jeweler's Advantage

The 3 Voices of Jewelry Sales

It’s a jungle out there in Jewelry Sales! In this video, we explore the SAME Sales Training that our Co-Founder, Jesse Korby, used to give New Hires at a prominent Jewelry eComm Brand in New York.

THIS EXACT Training, was the Day 1 Lecture for Jewelry Sales Reps that would go on to ramp to 40k-60k in their first month, with no previous experience.

If you are training new Jewelry Salespeople, show them this video in order to provide the structured approach they can use to quickly become effective.

Learn more about how Jeweler’s Advantage is transforming the Jewelry Industry with Human Skills and Artificial Intelligence here:

what's up guys this is Jesse at Jewelers advantage and today we have quite the presentation for you if you are in jewelry sales and it is a jungle out there in jewelry sales so many of you know that I got a lot of my experience on 47th Street in New York City where I trained sales reps so today I'm actually giving you the same initial presentation I ever gave to beginner salese when they'd be in through the door for the first time in the store and we were able to transform them essentially into jewelry sales assassins that could sell between 40 and 60 Grand in their first month and that largely happened because the strategy was simple but effective and that's what you're going to learn today so today we're here to talk about the three voices of jewelry sales and you're going to find that there are specific stages to the sales process which many people know but a lot of people don't know that if you underpin this with certain tonality in your voice we call this music dance and lyrics that would be the tonality the tempo and your word choices that makes you really effective in jewelry sales and as long as you know these secrets and this framework this can help you unlock your own progress in jewelry sales on a much faster timetable so so let's get into it so in regards to the stages of a jewelry sale you'll notice that we have sales negotiation and closing and these are underpinned by a specific voice we have the energetic voice we have the hypnotic voice and we have the assertive voice to help you remember this think of these as animals think of yourself as embodying the energy and personality of this particular animal at this particular stage of the sale among monkey if you can think of a monkey in the jungle they're fun it's energy that's what you want to bring to the sales stage of your jewelry sale then we think of the Cobra for hypnosis then we can think of negotiation as a hypnotic stage you're like the Cobra you're calm but you're in control you don't want it to be too emotional during this stage and then finally closing the positive outcome of your negotiation should result in a sale and delivery of jewelry at this stage you're calm you're confident but assertive like a tiger no fear in that part of the sale you're in charge but there is an element of calm and Power in this mode of the sale so let's take a little bit of a deeper dive into each of these stages so let's review the stages real quick maybe you're brand new to jewelry sale maybe you've been doing this for 25 years but in either case you are about to get something new out of this process and see this with some new eyes so for those that are beginners we want to think of this as three stages the first stage being sales during sales you have three goals number one you want to build trust and Rapport people buy from people that they like know and trust and you need to establish that feeling of Goodwill with your Prospect in order to get anywhere they're only going to buy from you if they like you from there you're just asking questions you're like a detective back in my car sales days I asked a question to a manager and I said something like I feel like we're detectives finding out what they want and that manager said yes that is exactly what I want you to think you're a detective so that is what you need to be doing to identify the customer needs in their timetable you're really just asking what kind of jewelry are you looking for today and are you looking to do business today you're trying to determine if this is worth your time as well so that's a big part of the sales stage and then finally you start presenting value and expertise to respond to what the customer is saying and asking about to get to negotiation and get to a point where the customer is going to take this seriously you need to be able to position yourself as an expert because they're buying jewelry from a whole number of people and they have lots of options and you need to position yourself as the one that they feel the best about and the one that seems to really know how this goes so you're an expert so always be looking for opportunities to tell stories whether they're your own personal kind of high value stories that show that you know what you're doing and also bring in the fun facts element of the jewelry industry it's a big trivia game after all and that would be how you present value of the piece and show that you're an expert in this craft if this goes according to plan you're going to have the opportunity to give the customer the illusion of choice so whether this is selling ready-made inventory or you're narrowing down ideas for Customs you would be potentially using AI to drum up ideas to show what this custom could be or maybe you're in from inventory the point being that you want to be presenting choices to the customer that they get to make but you don't want to overdo it never go beyond three choices so in this example we have somebody that is clearly an engagement customer clearly they want it to be canary yellow and clearly they want it to be yellow gold but right now we're determining what the shape of that stone might be in this case the customer can decide I like the middle one or I like the one on the left maybe we could combine features I like the prongs of the Asher cut is there any other way that we can use prongs in that way or I like the finish of the oval cut version where it seems to be a little bit more Satin finish is there a way for us to combine these elements you as the expert find a way to say yes we can combine these elements and start future framing the sale at that stage once they're making this decision and you're narrowing down the choices like a funnel you're preparing yourself for negotiation you're going to be able to start guiding the customer through the terrain towards the close so once you're at that stage they've made their choice they've decided hey I really like this Asher cut but maybe we're combining these other elements then you're just finding out how to lead the project with the customer and get money in house and produce the piece so we're officially at negotiation at this point your key three sticking points in negotiation would be that you want to be asking leading questions so if then type statements if I can do this then will you be ready to do the deposit today that's negotiating so a lot of people might get intimidated by the idea of a negotiation because they have a preconceived idea of neg negotiating being kind of this aggressive thing it's really not you're maintaining Rapport this whole time you should feel good with the customer while you're negotiating you're just trying to lead them down a path to you doing business together so the second point for that would be to Future frame with emotion and Logic the customer is going to be asking questions and you can answer those questions in the context of a future event of you working together and you want to tie in the emotion of their positive outcome of getting this jewelry because you're selling them the future and the future feeling of them enjoying this jewelry or giving this jewelry as a gift and then you want to underpin that good emotion which comes first and foremost with logic well it's going to take about 3 weeks this is how I'm going to Source the product I'm going to call you on this day then we're going to deliver on this day say about give me a little bit of lead time because this can be complicated so you can buy yourself Windows of time the point being that you want to sell them the future and show that this is real with logic and then finally you secure commitment as a choice so if we can do all that and we're going to get this done in three weeks so that you can propose are you ready to go today does this all sound good to you sound good you're asking questions and getting them to think and engage their senses and then buy in on their own at that point you're at the phase where you start blending into closing from negotiation it should be like a seamless transition it's not like Hey we're selling now time to negotiate well now I'm going to close you no it's phasing into these different stages so you'll naturally start feeling the negotiation become a close okay it's a phase so at closing there's three more things that you need to really consider so that is going to be that you need to transfer certainty certainty is your feeling that this is the best choice for them we're not trying to game these people to get jewelry sales you really truly need to believe that working with you is their best choice for the outcome that they want they're unsure they might not know you this might be your first time talking to this person so they're naturally going to feel a little bit shaky on this ground you have to be the one that's certain so that feeling of certainty that you're feeling you need to transmit to them through your voice that this is going to go the way it's going to go and you are confident so that's transferring certainty you might need to overcome the final objection there's an idea in sales and negotiation in general enal called a Black Swan that's the idea that there's something going on in the sale that you don't know what it is and all of them have one unique weird little element that can prevent you from closing ultimately it comes down to closing the sale by getting the customer to buy in on their own in a way that you facilitate and it's their choice just a couple of things to remember when closing number one not all money is good money there's fraud in this industry and there's some customers that you might not want to engage with because they could be a nightmare to work with so remember that not all money is good money and then two the deal is not truly closed until the customer has jewelry in hand and says that they are keeping it so you're never going to have a jewelry close even if you sell a piece for $100,000 you're never going to have the opportunity to have that Super Bowl dance that Super Bowl touch down dance that you fantasize about in sales it's not real you're never going to be at a stage where you're safe to do that until after the customer has had it for maybe even a couple of weeks and you're out of the bounds of your refund policy that would be the actual place where you could celebrate your sale and you will have forgotten it and been on to the next few by then so get the jewelry in their hands make sure they're happy and stay humble so those are the three stages of a jewelry sale but this is where it gets interesting every stage of the sale is underpinned by a specific voice and you'll notice that I'm not just saying tonality there's music there's dance and there's lyrics music is your tonality dance is the tempo which becomes very important when you're on the phone and you can't communicate body language so you're communicating through the speed or slowness of your speech with your Tempo Music dance and lyrics is your word choice words carry power so there is a feeling associated with any word you can experiment with this but you're going to find that there is this kind of musical connection a lot of you know that in a past life I was a musician in Nashville this is something that really connected with me for sales and I found that it is kind of a secret code to winning in sales with jewelry so for the sales stage you're going to want to have an energetic voice for negotiation you want to transition into more of a hypnotic tone and then for closing you're assertive so let's get into this a little bit deeper because it is pretty fun so with energetic voice imagine that a new customer has made their way into your world they're either on the phone or they're on the other end of a glass case with jewelry in it the voice will remain the same for energetic voice you're happy to be talking about jewelry maybe you're maintaining an energy level that's just above the prospect you don't want to be coming in acting like you're all hyped up with somebody that has a naturally calm personality so with energetic voice just remember that you're there to enjoy the process buying jewelry feels good it's fun so remember that your energetic voice is just a little bit above the prospect so that way you can lead interaction if they're pretty sedated and slow you can still inject some energy into your voice in a way that won't intimidate them so in that way we're kind of like the ape in the jungle we're playful we're having fun we love jewelry they love jewelry because they're talking to somebody that loves jewelry you see then we need to transition into the hypnotic voice and the hypnotic voice feels good and it's relax in to hear when we start negotiating we want to bring the energy level down and just make it feel like a nice calm safe space you can allow pockets of Silence but it's calm and it's soothing and you want to make sure that this transition occurs naturally from an energetic State and we're talking about jewelry and we're having a good time and the customer doesn't even really notice that we're starting to slow down a little bit here and it's starting to feel calm it's starting to feel like a safe environment that's the hypnotic voice we're allowed to allow some silence let the customer feel let them think you're here to answer the questions this is the person they want to work with and then we get to a place where where we need to take control and we have the assertive voice this is where we're transferring certainty it's just complete confidence in yourself notice how my energy level came up just a little bit but I am confident that this is what you need to be doing I'm the person you want to work with that level of confidence and you need to truly believe it you need to believe it in your heart and your mind that this is the best choice for the person on the other end of the phone on the other end of the screen on the other end of the counter so once you can truly understand that these stages of sales negotiation and closing are underpinned by the music of your own personality and delivery you can develop your own style of sales within this framework and you are going to clean up when it comes to sales having an actual plan makes you really effective there's this great quote that an idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan and when it comes to sales regular people regular everyday people can learn this framework and be extremely effective especially in an all walks of life type industry like jewelry so that is the three voices of jewelry sales my name is Jesse Korby at Jewelers advantage and we will see you in the next one

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